How might we help new migrants feel at home; in their new home, Aoteroa?
UX Research UX Design UI Design
Currently, a new migrant to New Zealand can read a brief web page on the Immigration New Zealand website to learn about the culture of their new home. Using Human Centred Design methodologies and the concepts of manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga, we designed our challenge; how might we help new migrants feel at home; in their new home, Aoteroa? Through interviews with recent migrants to Auckland, we uncovered common pain points of feeling homesick, making friends was hard, and the price of food was high. Tableful is a platform that facilitates potluck meals between groups of people, like recent migrants and locals in the relevant communities. Through meeting groups of people and sharing food, we hope that migrants can start to feel welcomed and belong to their local community as they are experiencing the culture themselves. Tableful won silver in the student public good category, 2018
My Role
UX and UI Designer in a team of four, supported research facilitation.
The team
Interactive major student team of four sharing UX research and design, UI design, visual identity and branding
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© Nic Seagrave 2022